Here's mommy going all "Rambo" with the pumpkin cannon
Here we are at the pumpkin patch
Here I am with my buds lammy (Kaitlyn), Moo Moo (Lilly) and me Piggy
Dirt MMM...MMM...Good!
First off I would like to thank my cousins Kelli, Carl and Miles, as fate would have it I also received a Jumparoo for my Red Egg and Ginger party and because mommy and daddy saw what cousin Miles did in his Jumparoo my mommy and daddy knew exactly what to do....
You may think blogging is easy it's not and my co-writer went to bark at the door
Ewwww cooked carrots not a fan!
Getting fed for the first time by great grandma Gong, if it's food I like I don't care who's feeding, but it was nice to get fed by Tyty
I think mommy and daddy are taking advantage of my good natured eating by drugging my food this is proof!
Millions of peaches, peaches for me!
Its was the easiest climb of my life, don't know if I can say the same for Dad
Daddy and me on pit stop 1 going down to the light house, dad seems ok there
Mommy, daddy and me at the light house...we made it in one piece
Now the long jurney back while dad hikes up the 300 plus sairs back up I think I'll take a nap I'm wiped...
That's me on the beach in front of Spyglass Golf Links where I hope to play with Dad someday!
Look I see a big wet Skylar swimming around in there, O wait! those are sea otters
A day in Monterey with no fog, they knew I was coming
Ewwww slimy, well it looks slimy Dad didn't let me touch
Got my party clothes on ready to roll!