Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Donald Dadada

Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone had a very good Turkey day! I know I did! I sure got stuffed from whirrled sweet taters for lunch and butternut squash for dinner whew! Anyway I've lagged a bit on the blog I've been busy learning a few new thing like saying my first word and impersonating Donald Duck, check my clip to see what I mean....

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Monster Mash...

Hello All! Last Saturday I got to attend my first Halloween party at my bud Lilly's house, for the most part I had a great time, that is until I had to get in my dragon attire, it was a bit warm that day and i got a bit hot my expressions speak for themselves. I can't wait until next Halloween where I may be coming to a porch near you...Trick or Treat!!
It's getting warm in here!
Here I am with the usual suspects
Sitting Giraffe Angry Dragon

Friday, November 2, 2007

You Just Put Your Lips Together and... Blow

Lauren Bacall said to Humphrey Bogart in "To Have and Have Not" and I think she was referring on how to whistle...well, I tried to put my lips together and blew and it didn't exactly make a whistle....see for yourself...