Monday, May 26, 2008

Auntie Adele's Surprise Party

Me Hanging with TyTy before the surprise
Me with Grandma trying to get me to go to bed!
Me and Cousin Miles
OH! Cheese!

Memorial Weekend was my first road trip to L.A. Mommy was a little nervous on how it would go but I was great. I slept most of the way and enjoyed the company of Grandma and TyTy. We enjoyed a wonderful weekend with family and surprised my Auntie for her 60th brithday party. I was able to visit with my cousins Brenden, Miles and my newest cousin baby Jalen. I met my Auntie Karin's new puppy, visted with alot of extended family and met alot of friends that mommy and daddy went to China with.

I like Glasses

Look I have mommy's glasses on!
Oh! I have daddy's glasses on and holding mommy's
Mommy's look how cute I am in your glasses.

I have found that recently I like to pull glasses off of mommy and daddy's face and try to put them on myself. A few nights ago I wanted to wear mommy's and daddy's glasses. These are some cute pictures of me!

Belated Mother's Day Pictures

4 Generations of Ladies
Me Mommy and Daddy
Having fun with Daddy
Having fun pulling mommy's hair
Kisses from Grandma and Grandpa

We enjoyed a nice afternoon with Ty Ty and Grandma for mother's day in Stockton. We had some Dim Sum and hung out for the afternoon at Ty Ty's.

My Buddy Lilly's B Day Party

Check out Lilly's Cake!
Whheee! Having fun in the wagon
Playing with Lilly's Toy's

I enjoyed my friend Lilly's 1st B Day Party. We enjoyed playing in her wagon and I enjoyed playing with her toys. Check out her cake isn't this cool!

My New Kitchen from Grandpa

For my first birthday Grandpa Allan and Auntie Alaina bought me a new kitchen. I enjoy playing with the sink and opening and closing my refrigerator and cabinets.