Tuesday, January 8, 2008

12 Days Before Christmas

Hi Everyone

In the 12 days before Christmas we had a pretty hectic schedule, 10 days before Christmas Mommy and Daddy threw a holiday party where I got to see some of my buddies, my cousins and my Auntie and Uncle from Dublin (CA not Ireland)...It was pretty exciting Mommy and Daddy have told me about their holiday parties and now I had the chance to experience my first one of many more to come...3 days before Christmas I spent my first night away from Elk Grove, Mommy and Daddy went to see Cirque Du Soleil in San Francisco so I had my first chance to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa Shue in Concord, I was so excited that I stayed up waiting from my Mom and Dad to come home...Christmas eve I got to experience the tradition of opening one gift before the big day, I learned that it's not about the size of the gift it's the wrapping that it came in that makes it the one to open...

I have learned to say mum mum and mom mom, my mommy and daddy thought the those 2 word were one in the same but they quickly realized that mum mum is my way of saying feed my belly, I mean it takes a lot to keep this pot round

I still have one tooth but the is sufficient for eating Cheerios, bananas, steamed baby carrots and veggie chips (love the fried stuff)...I still see no need for crawling I can roll myself into trouble just fine just the other day I rolled under the coffee table cause I saw some cords, I have to get to theses things before dad starts to Miranda proof.....

It looks like I crawled here but really I rolled, I'm smiling cause I know I'm not supposto be here, but I'm here anyway
I'm givin my new buddy some hugs, he makes me do the twist and salsa so I give him some hugs

This is my buddy Lilly at the holiday party, she likes goldfish
This is my buddy Kaitlyn, shes a few months older than me and crawling
Here I am with my cousins Christian, Marissa and Kathy

Christmas eve so many presents to choose from this bright blue one catches my eye

Blue paper yes!! what I always wanted, the farm animals are an added bonus!

1 comment:

The Scotts said...

Glad to see you're updating more than once a month!! :) You've already matched last month. Miranda is getting so big. Too cute. Be glad she isn't crawling just yet, we're always chasing after Miles!